My turn
Planning – Part 2.

How did I hurt myself? I was out in search of the milky way. There haven’t been many clear nights of late, so I had to take any opportunity I got. I packed the kids in the car, went to Coles, bought a hot chicken for dinner, and headed to the Scenic Rim for some clear, dark skies.
After the short drive we found the destination I had researched overlooking Mount Maroon. A very Queenslander mountain. The chicken rolls were prepared and devoured in a matter of minutes, and I was ready to take the photos.
I had my composition all sorted. I then went back to the car to get something from the front seat. As the door was closing, I was distracted by something. Not sure if it was the kids thanking me for a delicious dinner, or if they were arguing. Probably the later 😊 My distraction led to my thumb being in a location it should not have been – between the car and the door.
Bang - the car door slammed into my thumb. Wow, instant black nail and pain.
Slamming my thumb into the car door and some clouds cut short my milky way adventure. I still did manage to take some photos. Hopefully you like them.
Life is about unique moments. Go and find yours 😃