Changing plans
This time I had a mate, Ben, who was going to come along with me. The plan was to drive out from Brisbane in the morning, hike up in the afternoon and spend the night up in the mountains.
Things change as they happen to do.
Chasing waterfalls - Part 1
Screech, screech, screech. The alarm is goes off. Up I get. My ninja skills need some work as I wake some in the house. I reassure them it is way too early to be up. They go back to sleep and off I go.
Today I am chasing waterfalls in Lamington National Park.
Oak Park Races
Every two years at this time of the year we embark on a road trip. The destination is Oak Park Race Club, five or so hours west of Townsville. Most years it takes us three days to travel the 1700km, this year we decided to do the trip in two days.